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 Business Acquisition Testing





The major activity when acquiring new business is due diligence.  Part of this task is to ensure that systems are compatible or that systems data can be integrated into your current business.

  • Cost implications of non integrated systems?

  • Cost of training if you have to use new systems?

  • How long would it take to truly "buy" the new business with poor systems integration?

  • Impact on current company staff?

  • Would the integration costs escalate because the systems information is not compatible with your companies?

  • Management reporting, does the target company have adequate information for you to run that acquired company?

  • Will the acquired business data still allow you create company reports on time?

If the above questions and more are not answered through the due diligence stage you could find your company with a new arm that consumes your entire companies resources.

Due diligence needs a greater investigative effort into the systems of the target company.  Without adequate information for a decision, a good buy can quickly become a bad buy.

Today's technology and reporting requirements demand that you ensure target companies information is what you need, make sure during an acquisition that you check that companies systems.

Test Performance Inc., specializes in this type of testing.  Will a well proven repeatable set of tests we can provide the confidence you need when acquiring new business.